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Information for Applications

Applications can be submitted anytime of the year and shall be retained for a maximum period of 12 months, after which they shall no longer be considered part of the current pool of applicants.

Internship applications, whether coming through the SHAPE National Military Representative (NMR) or directly from candidates, must be submitted using:
  • Application form.
  • A copy of the candidate's Curriculum Vitae must be attached to the application form. 
  • A one-page essay giving details on their motivation for an internship at STRIKFORNATO and on their expectations during the internship. 

All applications are acknowledged by an automatically generated e-mail. Should you not receive an acknowledgement, please re-submit the application.

An initial screening by STRIKFORNATO Human Resources Division will be conducted to verify that applicants meet the required criteria for the programme. After the aforementioned initial screening the relevant Division Head will interview the candidate, determining whether the applicant meets the desired background, skillset, and language requirements for the position.  Once a candidate has been selected by STRIKFORNATO leadership, and when he/she provides an approved security clearance, a letter of acceptance will be sent to him/her.

The start date of the internship period will be determined taking into account divisional needs, the availability of the selected candidate, and the security requirements.

All candidates will be informed of the selection outcome whether or not they have been selected.

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