Rear Admiral Eduardo Guitián Crespo was born in Madrid on May 16, 1971. He joined the Naval Academy in September 1990 and was commissioned as an Ensign in July 1995.
Throughout his professional career, he has accumulated over 18 years of experience on board surface ships. He has served on the frigates "Navarra" and "Victoria," the topsail schooner "Juan Sebastián de Elcano," and various amphibious units, including the assault transport "Aragón," the LST "Pizarro," and the amphibious assault ship "Castilla," where he held the position of Operations Officer.
He has commanded the auxiliary ship "Mar Caribe," the ocean patrol vessel "Tornado," the frigate "Navarra," and the amphibious assault ship "Castilla."
Among the international missions in which he has participated are SHARP GUARD, ENDURING FREEDOM, MINUSTAH, and ATALANTA.
His shore assignments include service at the "Combat Evaluation and Certification Center," the Naval Academy, the Technical Offices of the Admiral Chief of Staff of the Navy and the Minister of Defense and chief of Cabinet to the Admiral Chief of Staff of the Navy. Since August 1, 2024, he has served as Deputy Chief of Staff Operations of STRIKFORNATO.
He holds a General Staff diploma as of July 2011, is a specialist in Information and Communication Technologies, and has completed courses in High Logistics Management, Tactical Action Officer, and LAMPS ATACO Controller.
He has received various national and international decorations, including NATO and EU medals.
He speaks English, is married to Ana González del Tánago Liberal, and has five daughters: Ana, Cristina, Paloma, Pilar, and Lucía.