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2014 Maritime Expeditionary Operations Conference
Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO) will host the 2nd annual Maritime Expeditionary Operations Conference in Oeiras, Portugal on December 2014. The main effort of the MEOC series is to focus on trying to further shape Maritime/Expeditionary operations around the world. The theme for this year’s conference is Delivering Maritime Expeditionary Power in Support of Deterrence for a Prepared NATO. The conference will draw people from across the Alliance and wider to exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge in order to help define the future role of Maritime/Expeditionary operations.
Day 1. Maritime Expeditionary Operations in the 21st Century as a Mechanism for Delivering Deterrence.
Panel 1. Understanding the Role of Maritime Expeditionary Forces in 21st Century Deterrence.
Better understanding of deterrence and the role of Maritime Expeditionary Forces in the 21st century.
Panel 2. Maritime Expeditionary Capability Requirements to Support Deterrence/Assurance.
Defining what Maritime Expeditionary Capabilities are required to support the Allied Maritime Strategy (AMS) and to better define the role of Maritime Expeditionary Operations capabilities needed for the future.
Panel 3. Exploiting And if Necessary Updating the Maritime Training Model.
Ways in which training and exercises can play more significantly on the deterrent role with particular focus on higher end Maritime capabilities. (i.e. Strike and amphibious).
Day 2. The Practical Delivery of Maritime Expeditionary Capability.
Panel 4. Airpower in Support of Maritime Expeditionary Operations.
Define how the JFAC and the MAOC integrate Maritime air operations into various size MEOs.
Panel 5. Information Sharing as an Enabler for Maritime Expeditionary Operations.
Definition and understanding of how we might envisage a MEO being supported from an Information Systems perspective.
Panel 6. Special Operations Forces Support to Maritime Expeditionary Operations.
Underscore the role, mission, tasks, and capabilities NATO SOF brings to Maritime Expeditionary Operations.