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Spouse International Group

The purpose of the Spouse International Group (SIG) is to provide a forum for NATO spouses in order to:

  • Develop friendships through social activities
  • Develop supportive relationships, especially during times of transition and deployment
  • Explore Portugal, its culture and language, and
  • Provide support to local charitable organisations.

If you're not yet part of the SIG, what's holding you back?

Joining the SIG is the easiest way to meet people; All you need is a NATO ID. When you're a member you'll receive emails and e-invites for you to join the various activities. It's that easy!

We hope you will join in many of the activities we have on offer and actively become part of our International Group. If you are new to STRIKFORNATO, please forward your email details to sig_lisbon@yahoo.co.uk.

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Reduto Gomes Freire
Estrada Da Medrosa
2780 - 070 Oeiras

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Reduto Gomes Freire
Estrada Da Medrosa
2780 - 070 Oeiras