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"100 Challenges in 100 Days" Iberian Challenge

In aid of raising funds for wounded and injured Service Marines and Sailors, Royal Marines around the World are completing 100 challenges in 100 days.  The four Royal Marines officers of STRIKFORNATO joined by one U.S. Marine officer and one Portuguese Navy officer successfully completed the challenge in Portugal on the 5th of July, 2017.  The challenge was linked to the Royal Marine and Royal Navy contributions to the Peninsular War and consisted in a canoe to an island in the Tagus river (rio Tejo) where a detachment made up of Royal Navy, Royal Marine and Royal Marine Artillery personnel were deployed in support of Wellington's defence of the Lines of Torres Vedras during the Peninsular War.  The group then ran around the island and canoed back for approximately 5km.  During the last part of the challenge, the group, now reinforced by three Royal Navy and an RAF colleagues, cycled 64km back to the STRIKFORNATO headquarters, visiting Wellingtons HQ and stooping occasionally at various vineyards and bars along the line of defence. 
A hoofing experience, thank you all who supported this event in Portugal and the many others around the World.  Contributions are still being taken via https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/IberianChallenge.

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