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MARCOM and STRIKFORNATO Co-host Maritime BMD Table Top Exercise

Oeiras, 1 Feb 2017 - STRIKFORNATO and Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) co-hosted a Maritime Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Table Top Exercise in our headquarters on the 31st January and 1st February 2017.

The co-hosts invited NATO Senior Military Leaders and BMD experts from NATO and other organisations for a scenario-based exercise, with the objective of building a common understanding of NATO BMD operations and the U.S. European Phase Adaptive Approach capabilities and limitations, and how to effectively integrate these capabilities into the ballistic missile defence of NATO European territory, population, and forces.

The command and control of the maritime Ballistic Missile Defence is part of STRIKFORNATO's mission, assumed to deliver assurance, deterrence, and collective defence for the Alliance.

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