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New Deputy Commander arrives at STRIKFORNATO

Oeiras – Rear Admiral Guy Robinson became STRIKFORNATO's Deputy Commander (DCOM), assuming responsibilities from Rear Admiral Paddy McAlpine.

Rear Admiral Robinson is a Royal Navy Officer who, during his seagoing career, commanded three warships, having been engaged in operations in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and the Arabian Gulf.  In his most recent command, Rear Admiral Robinson was the Deputy Commander of United Kingdom Maritime Forces, the Royal Navy’s high readiness battle staff. He is also a graduate of the Royal College of Defence Studies.

A ceremony at the headquarters welcoming Rear Admiral Robinson and honouring the service of Rear Admiral McAlpine was led by STRIKFORNATO’s Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Karsten Heckl, USMC.  Rear Admiral McAlpine served at STRIKFORNATO from July 2015 to November 2017.  During this time, he was the Exercise Director for exercise BALTIC OPERATIONS, responsible for maritime forces training in the Baltic region. In 2016, during exercises NOBLE MARINER and TRIDENT JUNCTURE, he led STRIKFORNATO through a successful certification process to become the NATO Response Force Maritime Component Command, which he commanded during 2017.  The admiral, who considers his tour at STRIKFORNATO as the most important of his career, is retiring from the Royal Navy after 35 years of exemplary service.

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