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Award Ceremony for Departing Staff Members

OEIRAS, Portugal - Rear Admiral Guy Robinson, STRIKFORNATO Deputy Commander, presided over an award ceremony in recognition of staff members detaching from the command in the coming months.  Highlighting the hard work and performance during their tenure at STRIKFORNATO, the ceremony also allowed the rest of the staff to show their appreciation and bid farewell to their co-workers and friends. 

Rear Admiral Robinson stressed his appreciation for the efforts put forth by the departing members, as many of their achievements directly contributed to the success of exercises and operations in the command’s busy programme of work.

STRIKFORNATO is a rapidly deployable maritime headquarters that provides scalable command and control across the full spectrum of the Alliance’s fundamental security tasks.  Comprised of 12 nations, STRIKFORNATO focuses on joint maritime operations and serves as a link for integrating U.S. naval and amphibious forces into NATO operations.

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