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NATO Parliamentary Assembly members visit STRIKFORNATO

OEIRAS, Portugal – Members of NATO Parliamentary Assembly visited the headquarters of Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO) on Monday, 24 September.
Rear Admiral Guy Robinson, STRIKFORNATO Deputy Commander, welcomed the Joint Committee visit of the Sub-Committee on Future Security and Defence Capabilities, and the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly during their visit to Portugal.
These representatives are part of the broader mandate of the Defence and Security Committee that addresses the military aspects of Alliance security. In general, the Defence and Security Committee examines Alliance transformation, capabilities, ongoing operations, near and long-term threat perspectives, as well as partnerships and programmes to find how NATO can continually improve its readiness, effectiveness, and interoperability.
In that view, STRIKFORNATO leadership provided the NATO Parliamentary Assembly a comprehensive briefing on STRIKFORNATO’s mission, capabilities, and unique roles within NATO, with a focused portion on maritime ballistic missile defence.
STRIKFORNATO is a rapidly deployable maritime headquarters that provides scalable command and control across the full spectrum of the Alliance's fundamental security tasks. Comprised of 12 NATO nations, STRIKFORNATO focuses on joint maritime operations and serves as a link for integrating U.S. naval and amphibious forces into NATO operations.

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