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Visit of the NATO Regional Cooperation Course to STRIKFORNATO


Today the NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC), 19th edition, visited STRIKFORNATO’s headquarters in Oeiras, Portugal.  The NRCC is the Alliance’s major educational outreach to Mediterranean Dialogue countries, Istanbul Cooperation Initiative countries, and partners from the broader region of the Middle East.  Attending the course were senior military and civilians from Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and United States of America.  The course participants had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge on STRIKFORNATO’s missions, capabilities, and unique roles within NATO. 

STRIKFORNATO is a rapidly deployable maritime headquarters that provides scalable command and control across the full spectrum of the Alliance's fundamental security tasks.  Comprised of 12 nations, STRIKFORNATO focuses on joint maritime operations and serves as a link for integrating U.S. naval and amphibious forces into NATO operations.

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Reduto Gomes Freire
Estrada Da Medrosa
2780 - 070 Oeiras

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Reduto Gomes Freire
Estrada Da Medrosa
2780 - 070 Oeiras