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 Jun 12 2020

Deputy for Planning and Coordination to the Portuguese Chief of Defence visits STRIKFORNATO during BALTOPS 20

OEIRAS, Portugal – STRIKFORNATO’s Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Guy Robinson, welcomed the Deputy for Planning and Coordination to the Portuguese Chief of Defence, Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo, to our headquarters during the execution of BALTOPS  20.

Besides explaining the roles, capabilities, and mission of STRIKFORNATO, the purpose of the visit was to highlight VAdm Gouveia e Melo the way in which STRIKFORNATO is commanding and controlling BALTOPS from its newly functional Joint Operations Centre (JOC).

The increased capabilities of STRIKFORNATO’s JOC include recognized maritime picture viewing, air command and control, NATO common operational picture feeds, network integrated real-time information services, logistic functional areas services, video collaboration and information sharing tools, joint targeting systems for operational planning, and a tactical data link to communicate with Allied ships at sea.

The Deputy for Planning and Coordination to the Portuguese Chief of Defence is the flag officer responsible for the support provided by Portugal, as host nation, to STRIKFORNATO.

The visit was a useful opportunity to provide VAdm Gouveia e Melo an overview of the STRIKFORNATO’s current activity and demonstrate the main ongoing projects within the headquarters.

During his visit, VAdm Gouveia e Melo also had the opportunity to meet Portuguese personnel assigned to STRIKFORNATO and understand their assigned duties.

Story by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO

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