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PTDO U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy visits STRIKFORNATO

Today, 7th of February, Dr. James Anderson, who is Performing the Duties of U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (DUSD (P)), visited STRIKFORNATO and was welcomed by the Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Guy Robinson, Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Jason Bohm, and Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Brigadier General Andrés Gacio.

The purpose of the visit was to understand the mission, roles, and capabilities of STRIKFORNATO and debate the main ongoing projects and activities within the headquarters.

The DUSD (P) is responsible for advising the Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy on National Security and Defense Strategy. Also advises on the forces and contingency plans necessary to implement defense strategy, nuclear deterrence, missile defense policy and security cooperation plans & policies. He also ensures that the Department’s program, budget, and posture decisions support and advance senior DoD leaders’ strategic direction.

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