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 Nov 13 2020

STRIKFORNATO conducts  Induction Training

OEIRAS, PORTUGAL - STRIKFORNATO conducted staff Induction Training in order to integrate new Naval Striking and Support Force members at the headquarters, between 10-12 November 2020.

STRIKFORNATO, as a rapidly deployable Joint Battlestaff held at 5-days’ notice-to-move to respond to crises, must continuously maintain a high state of readiness and expertise to deliver a scalable headquarters capable of planning and executing full spectrum joint maritime operations. 

In line with this, and in order to maintain business continuity and integrate new staff members, STRIKFORNATO conducted a three day programme of staff Induction Training.

The purpose of the Induction Training is, in conjunction with NATO Joint Advanced Distance Learning (JADL) online courses, to facilitate the smooth integration of new staff members, provide them with academic sessions and lectures covering staff organisation and roles, real life support, security, finance, recall procedures and provide all staff with updates on key issues from STRIKFORNATO joint functional areas.

Throughout the Induction Training STRIKFORNATO applied COVID-19 mitigation measures including strict hygiene protocols, facial coverings, social distancing, and use of video conferencing.

Story by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO

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