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Mar 18 2021

STRIKFORNATO participates in the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2021

Invited by NATO’s Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC), STRIKFORNATO’s Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Guy Robinson OBE, participated in a panel discussion at the “NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2021” that is being held online between 16-18 March. 

Reflecting on STRIKFORNATO’s experiences during the COVID-19 crisis, RAdm Robinson provided his perspective and insights in line with this year’s theme "NATO Lessons Learned in a global crisis: what did we learn and how can we do better?" sharing with the audience his personal experiences and those of the headquarters, as well as highlighting the need for leadership and commitment to successfully conduct BALTOPS 20 while ensuring the HQ remained fully operational.

BALTOPS is an annual military exercise, held and sponsored by Commander, United States Naval Forces Europe, since 1972, in the Baltic Sea and the regions surrounding it. BALTOPS is the premier maritime-led exercise in the Baltic Sea region and one of the largest exercises in northern Europe. STRIKFORNATO has been leading the planning, coordination and execution of the exercise since 2015. BALTOPS 20 involved 19 nations (17 NATO Allies and 2 Partner Nations), with 29 maritime units, 29 aircraft and up to 3,000 personnel, between June 7 – 16, 2020.

The JALLC’s Mission, as set out in its terms of reference, is to support Alliance-wide implementation and sustainment of NATO's Lessons Learned policy through monitoring and supervising the NATO Lessons Learned Process within the NATO Command Structure and other NATO bodies. It is the lead agent for the collection and sharing of lessons, accomplished through active content management of the NATO Lessons Learned Portal, Joint Analysis (as an integral part of the Lessons Learned Process) and outreach to allies and partners. The JALLC supports warfare development and warfighting, improving NATO's ability to operate and adapt, through training, advising and assessment activities enabling the establishment and sustainment of effective Lessons Learned capabilities across NATO.

Story by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO

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