Besides explaining the mission, roles, and capabilities of STRIKFORNATO, the purpose of the visit was to discuss topics of mutual interest. NCI Agency provides STRIKFORNATO with the Information Technology services necessary to execute its NATO mission - especially critical during Europe’s biggest and most complex air and missile exercise.
ASD/FS 2021 is a defensive live-fire integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) exercise conducted by STRIKFORNATO, from its Joint Operations Centre (JOC), on behalf of U.S. Sixth Fleet.
The increased capabilities of STRIKFORNATO’s JOC include recognized maritime picture viewing, air command and control, NATO common operational picture feeds, network integrated real-time information services, logistic functional areas services, video collaboration and information sharing tools, joint targeting systems for operational planning, and a tactical data link to communicate with Allied ships and aircraft.
NCI Agency, as the NATO Computer Information System (CIS) Provider, ensures the provision of secure end-to-end information exchange and information processing services required for NATO Consultation, Command and Control in the most resource effective manner. NCI Agency CIS Support Unit (CSU) Lisbon, located in Oeiras, Portugal, installs, operates, maintains and supports the full range of CIS capabilities during peacetime, crisis and war throughout its allocated Area of Responsibility (AOR) and as otherwise directed.
STRIKFORNATO’s Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral James Morley, and leadership from STRIKFORNATO, hosted NCI Agency’s Chief of Staff, Major General Göksel Sevindik, onboard STRIKFORNATO headquarters Oeiras, Portugal May 25, 2021 during Exercise At-Sea Demo/Formidable Shield 2021 (ASD/FS).