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Apr 4 2023

STRIKFORNATO welcomes Portuguese Minister of National Defence

OEIRAS, Portugal - Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO) hosted the visit of the Portuguese Minister of National Defence, H.E. Helena Carreiras, on April 4.

The Deputy Chief of Staff Operations STRIKFORNATO, Rear Admiral Marco Papi and the STRIKFORNATO team, including Portugal’s Senior National Representative, Commander Manuel Cosme, received the Portuguese Minister of National Defence, Her Excellency Helena Carreiras, at the Headquarters in Oeiras, Portugal.

During the visit, after the signature of STRIKFORNATO Book of Honour, the Minister of National Defence had the opportunity to receive an overview of Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO capabilities, roles, missions, exercises and vigilance activities, at the Flag Conference Room and at the Joint Operations Centre.


Helena Carreiras assumed the position of Portuguese Minister of National Defence by March 2022, after serving as Director of the National Defence Institute since 2019. She is had several leadership roles throughout her career. From 2010 to 2012 she was deputy director of National Defence Institute and from 2016 to 2019 she headed the ISCTE-IUL School of Sociology and Public Policy. She was also deputy director of the CIES – Sociology Research and Studies Centre (2015) and the IPPS – Institute for Public and Social Policy (2018/2019).

STRIKFORNATO is a rapidly deployable and scalable headquarters, under the operational command of SACEUR, capable of planning and executing full spectrum joint maritime operations including maritime Ballistic Missile Defence, primarily through integration of U.S. and other nation’s carrier and amphibious forces into NATO operations to provide assurance, deterrence, and collective defence for the Alliance.

Story by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO

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