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Jul 3 2021

Meet Sergeant Jessica Grace Hoffman

My name is Jessica Grace Hoffman and I serve as a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. Although the Marine Corps is a big part of my life, letting my hair down at the end of the day is one of my favorite things to do. I would describe myself as social, athletic, and thoughtful. In my free time, I like to do and see as much as possible. No new experience is ever turned down. I love to experience new cultures and everything that comes with it, whether it be food, museums, or a scenic hike. Having the opportunity to travel with the Marine Corps is such a blessing that I do not take for granted.


Although traveling with the Marine Corps is something I appreciate, it does keep us away from our families, and I am very close with mine. My parents (married for 25 years) have supported me every step of the way. They are my rock and I look up to them in many aspects of life. I am the youngest of two sisters and one brother and we are all very close. We have formed a strong bond and are there for each other whenever called on. No matter the distance, they are always understanding and ready to send care packages at a moment's notice.

Helping others is a passion worth pursuing.

Growing up, I was not initially interested in the military at all. My brother joined the Army and, although I do look up to him, at the time I wanted to be a homemaker with a large family. As I progressed in school, I realized I wanted to be more independent and create a life of my own that wouldn't have to be dependent on anyone else. The Marine Corps was a perfect fit for me and I do not regret my decision at all. Each day is another day to learn new things, go new places, meet new people, and grow as an individual.


Having a job in Logistics is a very rewarding profession. My most memorable moments are after months and months of planning, making connections, and long days, seeing the final mission be executed. Looking into the sky and seeing the aircraft take off with all of the gear you loaded, setting out to sea with a ship full of gear that you embarked, and seeing the twenty tractor trailers finally set off to deliver all of the equipment you've been loading for weeks. My job is my passion and I am lucky enough to be in a profession that allows me to continue learning each and every day.

I want to make a difference in the Marine Corps in many different aspects. In the logistics community, I want to create solutions. I think it is very important to take your job seriously and be the very best you possibly can be, and I want that to show in my work. I also want to become a part of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program for the Marine Corps. As a women who has dealt with many different encounters, changes have to be made to ensure all members are safe and feel comfortable in their work and living environments. These circumstances can often encourage women to get out of the military and pursue a civilian profession, but it does the opposite for me. I want solutions and I will do everything in my power to be someone that can not only help get those solutions, but be someone that is approachable and can help someone through their experiences. Helping others is a passion worth pursuing.


Story by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO

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