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Daily update 26 October

North Sea - Exercise Trident Juncture has commenced off the coast of Norway, with participating units conducting the first training events, on 25 October.
The Canadian-led task group ships HMCS Halifax, HDMS Hvidbjoernen, HMS Westminster, and HMS Northumberland conducted air defence exercises with the Norwegian frigate HNoMS Otto Sverdrup and the corvettes HNoMS Storm and  HNoMS Skudd.
The Norwegian Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal team attached to the Mine countermeasures task group, detected and cleared five mines in the vicinity of Alvund, Norway, while conducting mine clearing operations.
USS Iwo Jima, escorted by HNoMS Steil, has been flying assets and equipment off the ship, to support the United States Marine Corps shore activities for the next days.
USNS Leroy Grumman, USS Mount Whitney, and ORP General Pulaski conducted replenishment at sea of fuel and supplies during the transit to the Norwegian Sea.
Image 1: Upper deck training on board HMS Westminster (credits to Royal Navy)
Image 2: An MH-60S Seahawk, assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 28, conducts a vertical replenishment aboard command and control ship USS Mount Whitney (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class James R. Turner/Released)

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