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Senior Policy and Resource Committee Meeting 2019

STRIKFORNATO hosted the representatives of its twelve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Nations for the Senior Policy and Resource Committee (SPRC) meeting on 11 December 2019. STRIKFORNATO Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Guy Robinson began the SPRC meeting with welcoming remarks, which was followed by the 12 SFN MOU National representatives’ discussion of several agenda items and matters related to the participation of each member nation in STRIKFORNATO.
STRIKFORNATO is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) organization of twelve member nations, with the United States as the Lead Nation. The MOU is among France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States and concerns the organization, financing, administration, and manning of headquarters Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO. Organized using a J-Code structure, each MOU nation contributes staff personnel with the requisite expertise to support the planning and execution of STRIKFORNATO operations. During times of crisis, staff manning will increase through augmentation from "Peacetime” to "Crisis” levels to meet operational requirements.

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