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STRIKFORNATO celebrates 66th anniversary

STRIKFORNATO celebrated its 66th anniversary in its headquarters in Oeiras, Portugal, with the attendance of the Portuguese Assistant Chief of Defence for Planning Lieutenant General António Martins Pereira.

The event was hosted by STRIKFORNATO Chief of Staff Brigadier General Jason Bohm who highlighted the history of the headquarters, which started only 4 years after NATO was created.

The evolution of STRIKFORNATO accompanied the evolution of the Alliance, and the headquarters plays a very unique and important role today. "We are the only command in NATO certified to provide a joint headquarters maritime/expeditionary, and we are now preparing to be the first organization capable of providing a NATO Expanded Task Force”, said Brigadier General Bohm. He also highlighted the significant support provided by Portugal as the host nation.

In a congratulations note, Lieutenant General António Martins Pereira stressed the resilience of STRIKFORNATO and the commitment of Portugal with the headquarters and NATO.

First established in 1953 in Naples as STRIKFORSOUTH and redesignated as STRIKFORNATO in 2004, STRIKFORNATO is a Memorandum of Understanding organisation consisting of twelve member nations. Headquartered in Oeiras, Portugal since 2012, the command provides the Alliance the unique ability to rapidly integrate high-end U.S. Navy and Marine Corps warfighting capabilities into NATO.

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2780 - 070 Oeiras

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Estrada Da Medrosa
2780 - 070 Oeiras